Book: Eco-logical Business in the Era of Greenwashing by Lívia Humaire - Bambual Editora

Sale priceoiR$ 78,00

Business fundamentals and modeling for the decade of Regeneration.

The search for solutions to minimize, or even reverse, the human impact on the Earth's ecosystem is urgent. On the other hand, are we willing to change our structures so that the human species survives the ecocide it is committing?

In accessible language and strong arguments, Lívia Humaire presents in a very objective way the foundations and modeling of her proposal for ecological business. One of the starting points is biomimicry: what does the natural world have to teach us about entrepreneurship? Based on this and other questions, Lívia develops her reflections to present the Product-Logical Tree tool and countless examples of enterprises that were born from this tool, including their completed Tree-charts. The book also has two great gifts: an entire chapter on greenwashing and qr-codes with links to more in-depth content that will be updated when necessary.

Without a doubt, this is an essential guide in times of environmental, economic and social crisis, for the restructuring of existing businesses and inspiration for those being created.

Business fundamentals and modeling for the decade of Regeneration.

The search for solutions to minimize, or even reverse, the human impact on the Earth's ecosystem is urgent. On the other hand, are we willing to change our structures so that the human species survives the ecocide it is committing?

In accessible language and strong arguments, Lívia Humaire presents in a very objective way the foundations and modeling of her proposal for ecological business. One of the starting points is biomimicry: what does the natural world have to teach us about entrepreneurship? Based on this and other questions, Lívia develops her reflections to present the Product-Logical Tree tool and countless examples of enterprises that were born from this tool, including their completed Tree-charts. The book also has two great gifts: an entire chapter on greenwashing and qr-codes with links to more in-depth content that will be updated when necessary.

Without a doubt, this is an essential guide in times of environmental, economic and social crisis, for the restructuring of existing businesses and inspiration for those being created.

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