The Resilient Store - Consumo coerente


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platforms and movements that we admire.


Get inspired by exclusive articles and by people, platforms and movements we admire.

homem empacotando caixa de papelão com fita

Coherent Delivery Logistics

At The Resilient Store, we strive for consistency with our mission to create more life on Earth at every stage of our operation, including delivery. From choosing the items...

InstitucionalEntenda por que 51% do nosso lucro é investido na maior floresta do mundo

Understand why 51% of our profit is invested in the largest forest in the world

We chose to centralize our first investments in the Amazon, as this is the biome that most influences life on all continents in the world.

Institucionalilustração de uma árvore sobre um gramado em uma ilha flutuante de terra

The Resilient Store and the biomes of Brazil

Amazônia, Mata Atlântica, Cerrado, Caatinga, Pantanal e Pampa. Conheça os 6 biomas brasileiros e o sistema costeiro-marinho: o que são os biomas, quais as características de cada um e a import...

InstitucionalCritérios - Como selecionamos nossos produtos.

Criteria - How we select our products.

Very clear values ​​and criteria guide us when choosing the items that will be sold at The Resilient Store – and we would like to share these principles with you. We are looking for ...

InstitucionalThe Resilient Store

The Resilient Store

The Resilient Store is a multi-seller online store that has a clear purpose: to present coherent products, from ethical sellers, to conscious consumers, with the aim of keeping the Amaz...