Fazenda Giori

Giori Farm


Committed to the highest levels of organic cultivation, including adopting biodynamic practices, Fazenda Giori is an agricultural organization that seeks to return to the soil and its surroundings all the health and life offered by its coffee plantation.
The soil is cared for so that it has an abundance of microorganisms and nutrients, while the use of water is done responsibly, with periodic tests, mechanisms against erosion and conscious damming, returning to the surrounding watershed even more than it is. extracted from it.
Furthermore, coffee is permeated by other crops and native seedlings are planted to increase shading and help in the recovery of the forests that surround the agricultural unit.


The farm has belonged to the Giori family since 1997. Descendants of Italians who arrived in Brazil in 1895, when they came into contact with coffee cultivation for the first time. Since then, each generation has dedicated themselves to planting, cultivating and processing coffee, expanding the coffee experience and transmitting knowledge with love.
With the current generation, the enchantment with coffee growing has increased to the exact extent that the family's desire to establish a healthy relationship with the land has grown, nourishing it without harming it, respecting its cycles, its phases and its natural ability to generate life. .
The union of coffee cultivation with the desire to convert the farm into a living, pulsating agricultural organism resulted in the adoption of organic, sustainable and healing agriculture. In the search to establish a bond of non-aggressive coexistence between the farmer, the land and the fruit generated by it, the Giori family discovered BIODIN MICA, a method created in 1924 by Rudolf Steiner, founder of Anthroposophy.
The farm then followed its natural path in the desire to change man's relationship with the land: it thought innovatively, acted sustainably, made it organic and realized that in the course of this journey it was already following the principles of biodynamic agriculture.
The result was the construction of highly sustainable and integrated management with animal husbandry. This joint creation emerged as a method to facilitate coffee nutrition without harming the land and living beings.

Who does

The farm's management is guided by respect for the land, the planet, the environment and human beings. It is respect for the land and the belief that it is possible to heal the land and heal man that determined the choice for agricultural practices that regenerate and heal the soil, promoting well-being and balance to the plants and animals that live and co-exist in the agricultural organism. highly alive and dynamic that is the farm.
The entire family participates in the production process, starting with producers Sebastião Giori and Domingos Roque Giori; the business organization is led by the youngest sister, Conceição Giori, with contributions from another sister, Luiza do Carmo Giori.


Robusta Fazenda Giori coffee is produced completely naturally, free from pesticides, herbicides and pesticides. It is also free from fertilizers and synthetic inputs that damage the soil structure.
By choosing Robusta Special Organic and Biodynamic coffee from Fazenda Giori, consumers support practices that protect and regenerate life and the planet.
The coffee carries the regenerative consciousness and flavor of sustainability that genuine organic and biodynamic Robusta can promote. Furthermore, by following the most rigorous organic cultivation protocols, it only offers the benefits of sweetness and caffeine from a product grown with special care.
The fruit is born with the vibration of the Earth and develops in tune with it and with the cycles of nature. A specialty coffee, highly balanced, with notes of chocolate and caramel, citrus acidity and a persistent finish.
A coffee to bring affection to your home, aroma to your life and energy to your mornings!


Committed to the highest levels of organic cultivation, including adopting biodynamic practices, Fazenda Giori is an agricultural organization that seeks to return to the soil and its surroundings all the health and life offered by its coffee plantation.
The soil is cared for so that it has an abundance of microorganisms and nutrients, while the use of water is done responsibly, with periodic tests, mechanisms against erosion and conscious damming, returning to the surrounding watershed even more than it is. extracted from it.
Furthermore, coffee is permeated by other crops and native seedlings are planted to increase shading and help in the recovery of the forests that surround the agricultural unit.


The farm has belonged to the Giori family since 1997. Descendants of Italians who arrived in Brazil in 1895, when they came into contact with coffee cultivation for the first time. Since then, each generation has dedicated themselves to planting, cultivating and processing coffee, expanding the coffee experience and transmitting knowledge with love.
With the current generation, the enchantment with coffee growing has increased to the exact extent that the family's desire to establish a healthy relationship with the land has grown, nourishing it without harming it, respecting its cycles, its phases and its natural ability to generate life. .
The union of coffee cultivation with the desire to convert the farm into a living, pulsating agricultural organism resulted in the adoption of organic, sustainable and healing agriculture. In the search to establish a bond of non-aggressive coexistence between the farmer, the land and the fruit generated by it, the Giori family discovered BIODIN MICA, a method created in 1924 by Rudolf Steiner, founder of Anthroposophy.
The farm then followed its natural path in the desire to change man's relationship with the land: it thought innovatively, acted sustainably, made it organic and realized that in the course of this journey it was already following the principles of biodynamic agriculture.
The result was the construction of highly sustainable and integrated management with animal husbandry. This joint creation emerged as a method to facilitate coffee nutrition without harming the land and living beings.

Who does

The farm's management is guided by respect for the land, the planet, the environment and human beings. It is respect for the land and the belief that it is possible to heal the land and heal man that determined the choice for agricultural practices that regenerate and heal the soil, promoting well-being and balance to the plants and animals that live and co-exist in the agricultural organism. highly alive and dynamic that is the farm.
The entire family participates in the production process, starting with producers Sebastião Giori and Domingos Roque Giori; the business organization is led by the youngest sister, Conceição Giori, with contributions from another sister, Luiza do Carmo Giori.


Robusta Fazenda Giori coffee is produced completely naturally, free from pesticides, herbicides and pesticides. It is also free from fertilizers and synthetic inputs that damage the soil structure.
By choosing Robusta Special Organic and Biodynamic coffee from Fazenda Giori, consumers support practices that protect and regenerate life and the planet.
The coffee carries the regenerative consciousness and flavor of sustainability that genuine organic and biodynamic Robusta can promote. Furthermore, by following the most rigorous organic cultivation protocols, it only offers the benefits of sweetness and caffeine from a product grown with special care.
The fruit is born with the vibration of the Earth and develops in tune with it and with the cycles of nature. A specialty coffee, highly balanced, with notes of chocolate and caramel, citrus acidity and a persistent finish.
A coffee to bring affection to your home, aroma to your life and energy to your mornings!